You will probably visit a hotel once or twice during your lifetime. These days, staying in hotels is extremely prevalent, whether you're going on vacation or getting together with relatives. Finding a hotel room, however, can be challenging if you prefer to avoid using credit cards and prefer to pay with cash. Booking a hotel without a credit card is not only difficult but also not always possible. We'll look at why it's challenging, which hotels still permit this kind of booking, and provide you with some advice on how to locate hotels that will accept credit cardless payments in this post.
Why Is It Hard to Book a Hotel Without a Card?
Cash ruled the globe before credit cards became widely used. However, the idea of personal credit was widely embraced after Diner's Club introduced the first universal credit card in 1950. 1. Nowadays, almost every hotel requests a credit card when making a reservation; if not, they'll ask for one when you check in. When you check in, a hotel requests a security deposit to cover any potential damage to the room. If a guest books a stay and pays cash, the hotel would not be covered in case something went wrong.Which Hotels Accept Credit Cardless Reservations?
Booking a hotel without a credit card is doable, but it can be challenging to find one that does. Generally speaking, in order to reserve a room, you'll need at least a credit card, debit card, or prepaid card. When you check in or after your stay is over, you can frequently alter your payment method. Although the practice varies from property to property, several hotels in the larger chains, such as Hilton, IHG, Choice, and Wyndham, still accept cash payments.Make sure that the hotel where you intend to stay accepts cash before making a reservation
You might be able to phone the hotel directly and make arrangements if you prefer to book online without using a credit card. Otherwise, using an online travel agency (OTA) may enable you to locate a hotel that accepts credit card reservations. is a great resource for making reservations without using a credit card because it has a filter that looks particularly for accommodations that permit you to do so. This is by far the simplest choice. In some hotels, you can make a cash deposit or switch your payment method after you arrive. Online reservations still require a card of some sort, but you can choose to book a non-prepaid room. As long as you change your payment method at the hotel, your card won't ever be charged. Here are a few examples of hotels that let you pay with cash upon arrival or departure.- Hotel Reservations Require a Deposit
- Hampton Inn by Hilton
- Cash is accepted; rules may differ by location.
- Various; expect to pay around $200 per night in cash.
- Quality Inn, a chain of hotels
- Cash is accepted; rules may differ by location.
- Various; plan on paying roughly $200 as a cash deposit.
- Days Inn, a Wyndham hotel
- Cash is accepted; rules may differ by location.
- Various; plan on paying roughly $150 as a cash deposit.
- Holiday Inn, IHG