Why the US Dollar Is the Global Currency

Why the US Dollar Is the Global Currency

One definition of a global currency is one that is used for commercial transactions all over the world. The majority of foreign dealings can be conducted in a variety of currencies from around the world. The United States Dollar, the Euro, and the Japanese Yen are the ones that are used the most. The term "reserve currency" can also be used to refer to a worldwide currency. The United States dollar is the most widely used currency in the world, as stated by the International Monetary Fund. As of the fourth quarter of 2019, it accounts for more than sixty percent of the total foreign exchange reserves held by all recognized central banks. Because of this, despite the fact that it does not hold an official title, it has become the de facto global currency. The euro is the reserve currency that comes in second place. It constitutes twenty percent of the total foreign currency reserves that are known to central banks. The ongoing financial crisis in the eurozone has reduced the likelihood of the euro becoming an international currency. It brought to light the challenges that are presented by a monetary union that is governed by distinct political institutions.

The United States Dollar is the most powerful currency in the world

The value of the dollar is supported by the relative robustness of the economy of the United States. Because of this, the United States dollar is the most influential currency in the world. At the close of the year 2020, the United States had a total of $2.04 trillion in circulation. It is thought that as much as half of that worth is in circulation in other countries. The countries that once made up the Soviet Union, as well as those in Latin America, are home to a good number of these bills. In day-to-day dealings, they are frequently employed as a form of stable currency. The dollar is the dominant currency in the market for foreign exchange. The United States dollar is involved in around ninety percent of all F.X. trade. According to the list compiled by the International Standards Organization, there are 185 currencies in circulation across the globe; however, the vast majority of these currencies are solely circulated within the borders of their respective nations.  Any national currency in the world may, in theory, replace the United States dollar as the primary medium of exchange in international transactions; however, this is unlikely to occur because other currencies are not as frequently used.

Dollars are used to settle around 40 percent of the total debt in the world

As a consequence of this, in order to conduct business, foreign banks require a significant amount of dollars. This became abundantly clear during the economic crisis that began in 2008. The overseas liabilities denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar held by non-American banks totaled $27 trillion. Out of the total, 18 trillion dollars was denominated in U.S. dollars.  Because of this, the Federal Reserve of the United States was forced to increase the size of its swap line for dollars. That was the only way to prevent the financial institutions of the world from being completely depleted of their dollar reserves. The recent economic turmoil contributed to an increase in the dollar's circulation. In 2018, financial institutions in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom owned greater liabilities denominated in dollars than they did in their respective national currencies. In addition, the rules imposed on banks in order to forestall another financial crisis can result in a shortage of dollars. That is also a possibility in the event that the Federal Reserve decides to raise the fed funds rate. This results in a lower money supply since it makes it more difficult and expensive to borrow dollars. Because of the strength of the dollar, governments are ready to keep it as part of their foreign exchange reserves. The purchasing of currencies by governments is a byproduct of their participation in international trade. They also get them from domestic enterprises and tourists who exchange them for the currency of the country they are visiting. Various governments choose to invest their reserves in various forms of foreign currency. Both China and Japan make a concerted effort to purchase the currencies of their most important trading partners. Both China and Japan count the United States as their most important trading partner for exports. They work to maintain their currencies at lower values relative to others in order to keep their export prices at competitive levels.

Why the U.S. Dollar Is the Preferred International Currency

The Bretton Woods Accord of 1944 is mostly credited for putting the dollar in its current position. Prior to that time, the majority of countries used the gold standard. On demand, the governments of those countries offered that their citizens might exchange their currencies for the equivalent value in gold. At the Bretton Woods conference, which took place in New Hampshire, the industrialized nations of the globe decided to fix the value of their currencies in relation to the dollar. The United States of America had the world's greatest gold reserves at that time. As a result of this arrangement, other countries were able to underpin their currencies not with gold but with dollars instead.  At the beginning of the 1970s, nations started demanding gold in exchange for the dollars they had. They needed to fight the inflation that was occurring. President Nixon decided to decouple the value of the dollar from the price of gold so that Fort Knox's gold reserves would not be drained completely.  At that point in time, the dollar had already established its position as the primary reserve currency around the world. Stagflation was the result, however, when the value of the dollar was decoupled from its worth in gold. This is a result of both rising prices and sluggish economic growth.

Proposals to Create a Single Global Currency

China and Russia both proposed the creation of a new global currency in March of 2009. They advocated for the establishment of a global reserve currency "that is isolated from particular nations and is able to remain stable over the long term, thereby overcoming the inherent weaknesses produced by utilising credit-based national currencies." The Chinese government was anxious that the trillions of dollars it had would become worthless if there was inflation in the dollar. This may occur as a consequence of greater deficit spending in the United States and the printing of additional U.S. Treasury bonds to sustain the nation's debt. The People's Republic of China has requested that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) create an alternative currency to the dollar. During the last three months of 2016, the Chinese yuan joined the ranks of the reserve currencies used around the world. According to the International Monetary Fund, as of the first quarter of 2020, the central banks of the world owned a total of $221 billion. Although this represents only a small portion of the total $6.8 trillion held in U.S. dollars, it is expected to keep expanding in the years to come.  China has shown an interest in having its currency participate fully in the global currency markets. It would prefer that the yuan become the dominant currency in the world rather than the dollar. To achieve this goal, China is making significant changes to its economy.

The Crux of the Matter

Even though it owes other countries trillions of dollars and has a habit of running massive deficits, the United States continues to have the faith and confidence of the international community in its capacity to fulfill its financial commitments. Because of this factor, the United States dollar continues to hold its position as the most powerful currency in the world. It is possible that it will remain the most important currency on a worldwide scale in the years to come. However, the status of the dollar as the most important currency in the world is currently up for debate. In today's ever more intertwined global economy, several nations, including China and Russia, believe that the time has come for the introduction of a new global currency that is not controlled by any one government.

Questions That Are Typically Asked (FAQs)

Which currency is considered to be the most powerful in the world?

When foreign exchange dealers refer to a currency as the "strongest currency," what they often imply is that the currency enjoys a favorable exchange rate in comparison to the dollar. Even though the United States dollar is the reserve currency of the world (and, one could argue, the most important currency), there are other currencies that are considered to be "stronger." The Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) is the most valuable currency, and you can purchase approximately 0.3 KWD with one dollar. 

When exactly did the euro become a legitimate form of currency on the global market?

In 1991, parties reached an agreement on the treaty that would later lead to the creation of the euro. On January 1, 1999, the euro was made available for use in financial transactions through electronic means; nevertheless, it would not be for another three years until paper, and coin euros began to replace local currencies in general circulation.

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