100 Best Finance Blogs For Overall Finance Advice

100 Best Finance Blogs For Overall Finance Advice

We have compiled a list of financial blogs that cover a variety of interesting consumer finance topics. Personal finance can be a difficult topic to research. Whether it's understanding mortgages, taxes, and pensions; finding ways to save money; making extra money; shopping around for a loan; or simply learning to stick to a budget, managing money effectively can be a daunting task. Numerous blogs cover these topics, with many focusing on a single topic or audience. Some authors write a more personal blog, sharing tips they use in their daily lives, whereas others offer more general financial information, sharing their knowledge and what they've learned from their research. We've been comparing finance blogs and shortlisting our favorites! We've identified the most intriguing aspects of each blog, as well as why we believe those blogs are valuable to finance readers. Below are some personal finance blogs that we believe provide a unique perspective on money matters, ranging from the complex subject of investments to saving a few pounds on your weekly grocery shopping.

Young Money Blog

Taking control of your finances:

Iona has appeared on radio, television, and in the press to discuss finance, particularly as it relates to the younger generation. Her blog discusses ISAs, property, investing, and even pensions. Although young people may have more pressing financial concerns than pensions, the Young Money Blog is all about planning and dealing with the "big" personal finance issues. The Young Money Blog aims to increase millennials' and all young people's financial literacy. It discusses the topics openly and understandably, and it provides people with advice on how to manage and control their money. Iona discussed her background and offered some financial advice. "I founded Young Money Blog in 2011 because there was no other dedicated financial website aimed specifically at young people at the time." I had recently graduated and was struggling to become a financially independent adult during a difficult economic period, and I hoped that researching and writing about money would help me become savvier while also possibly helping a few others along the way. My favorite financial tip is to make time for money — even if it's just half an hour per week to think about your financial goals for the coming week, month, or six months. That is the only way you will be able to implement changes. "

MintLife Blog - Personal Finance News & Advice

Managing Money for Millennials

Mint tackles the many financial decisions that students, and younger people in general, face, helping them become more knowledgeable about money. Araminta, the blog's founder, shares her financial discoveries and, perhaps most importantly, she discusses the sometimes intimidating topics of taxes, investments, and housing. The blog has also expanded to cover future career options, personal development, and accumulating "career capital." From creating a basic budget to in-depth looks at preparing for the "adult world," Financially Mint has advice and tips to help young people understand their finances and, more importantly, what they hope to gain from them.

Araminta described her experience:

"I founded Financially Mint nearly two years ago as a way to educate myself on everything that schools had failed to teach us: how to invest; what the heck is the deal with taxes; how to start a business; and how to live on less than you earn." My favorite money tip is to pay yourself first, right from the start. Simply take a percentage of your income (I recommend starting with 15%) and set up a direct debit to an investment or savings account. If you treat your savings as an expense, you won't even notice you're saving! "

Saving Scotts - Learn Easy ways to automate your savings


Saving Scott's focus is on showing millennials and young people where they can make extra money, whether through saving or by doing extra work and side hustles. Although the site initially focused on student living and finances, it has since expanded to include young people in general and post-university financial decisions. In addition to ways to save and make money, the site discusses ISAs, debt, and maximizing savings. Posts offer ideas on how to manage your immediate finances while also planning for the future and setting goals, depending on what people's priorities are.

Beckie, the co-founder of Saving Scotts, explained why they started the blog:

"We started Saving Scotts to help other students figure out how to save and invest money while studying." We wanted to share our experience paying off debt while attending university in order to assist others in making sound financial decisions at such a critical juncture in their lives. Much of our content focuses on student-friendly ways to earn money, ways to save money, and future planning (such as how to prepare to buy a house). The blog evolves alongside the authors' lives, with a focus on financial planning after university. "

Money Nest - Bad Credit Mortgage Advice

Earning an Extra Income:

Money Nest aims to educate people, particularly 20–30-year-olds, about financial topics that are not covered in school. The Money Nest shares its knowledge on budgeting, saving money, and investing to assist young people in navigating the issues surrounding personal finance. Money Nest focuses on the major areas of finance that can be confusing such as pensions, investing, and property. The blog, as well as the accompanying website and newsletter, aims to help people become more financially independent (i.e., not live from paycheck to paycheck) and paves the way to a secure financial future.

Sam of Money Nest shared his best financial advice:

"My best advice would be to seek to increase your income; while this is a long-term solution rather than a quick fix, increasing your income through upskilling yourself will provide the results you seek."

The Money Shed - The UKs largest forum dedicated to earning money from home

Planning for Your Financial Future:

The Money Shed began as a forum for people to share ideas about personal finance and making money. This has since evolved into an article-based blog that covers a wide range of topics, including ideas for making extra money at home, areas where people can save money, and discussions about various career options. The blog covers a variety of finance-related topics that may provide readers with ideas for where they can make some extra money. It publishes new posts regularly, with topics ranging from the hidden costs of being a single parent to fun ways to make extra money to eating on a budget.

Jonathan Gutteridge, the owner of The Money Shed, says:

"I founded The Money Shed more than five years ago. I created it as a platform where people could not only get unbiased advice on how to save/make money from home but also earn by sharing their referral and affiliate links wherever they wanted on the site. We launched a blog in 2014 to sit alongside it and provide advice to people in a more 'article' style format, and the two have since complimented each other. Don't be afraid to be the Ying to the money blogging Yang if you want to blog about money or finances in general. The Money Shed "constantly goes in the opposite direction of many other well-known UK money bloggers because we like to provide a different point of view from time to time instead of every site saying the same thing."

Savvy Scot - The blog is primarily based around personal finance

Boosting your income:

Savvy Scot covers personal finance as well as other lifestyle topics like fitness and travel. In the blog's money section, Savvy Scot discusses budgeting and the importance of creating a financial plan for the future, with suggestions such as automatically putting a set amount of your income into savings each month. The blog examines how people can save money on bills while also delving into the complex subject of investing. It discusses potential ways for people to begin investing their money and shares opinions on various investment options such as stocks and gold.

Savvy Scot's Pauline shared her best money-saving tip:

"Having a goal makes it much easier to save money." So be specific in your goal and hold yourself accountable. Use a calculator to determine how much you need to save each week or month to reach your goal. Create a savings challenge in which you save a little bit more each day. Don't forget family and friends. Saving money solely for hoarding does not work. The entire point of saving money is to provide for your own future self. And it will be simple if you visualize the options that money will purchase in the future. "

Bee Money Savvy - Money and Finance Blog

Sorting out Your Finances:

Based on her personal experience, Emma from Bee Money Savvy offers advice on how people can supplement their monthly income. The blog, which launched in 2017, aims to help people become more financially savvy, whether it's by creating an effective budget, maximizing offers, or discovering new ways to supplement their income. Bee Money Savvy focuses on the extra, small things people can do at home and in their spare time to earn extra money. Depending on each person's skills and interests, she suggests side hustles such as blogging, surveys, mystery shopping, and money-making apps.

Bee Money Savvy's founder had this to say about her blog:

Hello, my name is Emma, and I'm the one-woman team behind Bee Money Savvy. I'm overjoyed to have been named one of NerdWallet's Top Finance Blogs of 2019 in the "money-making" category. I founded beemoneysavvy.com after witnessing my parents struggle with their finances throughout my childhood and fall into debt as a result of bad advice from the bank. I was able to help them clear all of their debts and pay off their mortgage by using the tips on my website, and I hope to help more people achieve their version of financial freedom. "

Dumb Funded - Money and Finance Blog

Making the Most of Your Money

Since 2010, Dumb Funded has been providing financial advice on both personal and business finance topics. The blog delves into more complex topics like pensions, investments, bank accounts, and mortgages, as well as how you (and your business) can budget effectively. More unique and interesting articles are available on topics such as avoiding the middle-income squeeze, budgeting for a new baby, and investing in your professional image. Many articles discuss office spaces, energy, and marketing for readers looking to start a business. This blend of business and personal finance, combined with posts that provide a unique perspective on financial topics, should appeal to a wide range of readers.

Some money-saving tips from Colin from Dumb Funded shared some money-saving tips:

"Our top 2019 tip is to take advantage of the big banks' current account cashback." There's no need to put up with crappy interest rates and bad apps." Using a good app-based bank account with features like instant payment notifications is not only an efficient way to manage your budget but also protects you from financial fraud. "

Money Bulldog - Money and Finance Blog

The Female Money Doctor

Tackling young people's money questions

The Female Money Doctor blends money and health, demonstrating how healthy finances are inextricably linked to healthy minds and bodies. Dr. Nikki examines how people can make and save money, as well as create a realistic budget (complete with a "fun pot") to help them form a more positive relationship with their finances. She emphasizes the importance of having an "emergency fund" to give people peace of mind in the event of a crisis, as well as for mental health. Knowing you have that money on hand to help you out when you need it can help alleviate financial stress.

Nikki, the "Female Money Doctor," says:

"The adage "look after the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves," is so true. Managing our daily finances isn't about stock market highs and lows, or making a quick buck.
  • It is about sticking to a budget to avoid overspending.
  • It is about diligently saving into a workplace pension and topping up with a passive investment fund every month to be prepared for the future when it arrives.
  • It is all about paying off debt and saving for emergencies.
  • It is all about teaching your children how to manage their money.
On the surface, this appears to be boring —there is no excitement. However, it is these daily actions that lead to long-term sustainable wealth, and when you see your net worth rise, trust me, that's a thrill in itself! ”

Information on Investing:

Foxy Monkey - Money and Finance Blog

Foxy Monkey covers a wide range of personal finance topics but specializes in investing. Michael, the man behind Foxy Monkey, wants to show people how to be smarter with their money, particularly through the use of passive income investments. This is a major focus of his blog because he wants to save enough money to achieve financial independence. He shares his thoughts on various ways people can invest their money to maximize their income, as well as writes broader articles about the difficulties of working toward financial independence. Foxy Monkey shares his journey's tips and knowledge, such as simple ways to save money, like cycling, and ways to earn extra money through investments. When it comes to money, Michael of Foxy Monkey says, "I like to tell people," "Your money can work harder than you can." I'm very interested in generating passive income. I started Foxy Monkey to demonstrate how we can benefit from various life hacks and how to stop trading our time for money. Life's too short to waste it doing things we can't enjoy. Save more, invest more, and create some passive income to get out of the rat race! "


The Saving Ninja - Money and Finance Blog

The Saving Ninja began documenting their journey to financial independence in 2018 to demonstrate how anyone, no matter how small, can take steps to save money. They keep detailed charts of their monthly savings progress so readers can see exactly where their money goes and where it comes from. Along with their monthly savings updates, the Saving Ninja offers advice on how to make extra money and maximize savings, such as by switching bank accounts. They also write about more philosophical topics such as fulfillment, happiness, and success, as well as how these mindsets may relate to money. The "Saving Ninja" expressed his thoughts on money: Even though I am a natural saver and an aspiring minimalist, I need to earn money. Earning money is like a game that I want to win; it's enjoyable! "Completionism is in my blood; I need to get that high score."

Tips for Adopting a Frugal Lifestyle:

TuppennysFIREplace - Money and Finance Blog

Tuppenny, like many other finance bloggers, hopes to save enough for early retirement. She has discovered many ways to save money on her family's lifestyle, particularly on food and holidays, and she shares these on her blog. She identifies small changes that people can make each week, such as meal planning, avoiding convenience foods, and purchasing their brand products, that can add up to significant savings. Tuppenny offers ideas to help people budget and live a more frugal lifestyle, whether it's small changes or a major overhaul of their finances. "Tuppenny provided the following insight into frugal living:" "Earn to appreciate living within your means. Frugal living is never about deprivation; it is about making deliberate decisions to make different choices, including what to buy and what not to buy. Make positive choices and don't punish yourself for the decisions you make; remember that you are a human, not a machine. When you embrace everything that frugal living has to offer, you are no longer doing without but rather appreciating what you do have. "

Female Finance:

Money Nuggets - Money and Finance Blog

MoneyNuggets are primarily aimed at women to increase their financial literacy and confidence in dealing with money. The blog covers a wide range of topics, including creative ways to save money, creating a realistic budget, and effectively organizing your finances for the future. The website also provides advice on starting a business and advancing in your career, as well as more lifestyle-oriented articles like activity ideas for kids and home interiors. The combination of more serious financial topics like investments and pensions, as well as some more "fun" posts about holidays, sales, and fitness, keeps the blog content fresh and interesting for readers. Seba of Money Nuggets talked about how she started her blog and how she saves money: "I founded Money Nuggets to help women talk about money, take charge of their finances, and plan for the future." Tracking your finances is one of my favorite money tips. Tracking your spending is one of the most effective ways to save more money. You'll be surprised at how much money you can save by simply tracking and paying attention to where your money goes each month. And keep in mind that what you track grows, while what you don't track shrinks. "

Adopting a frugal lifestyle

Much More With Less

The name gives it away: this blog discusses ways for people to live on less while getting the most out of their money. Faith, a financial journalist, blogs about her move to the country and her overall lifestyle, covering everything from saving tips to family outings to her favorite recipes. She frequently posts about recent frugal activities and discusses how people can create a budget, make financial resolutions, and keep a spending diary to ensure they have complete control over their finances. However, the blog is not solely about frugal living and being thrifty with money. Much More With Less also covers investing, student loans, pensions, and other broader areas of personal finance, assisting people in becoming more knowledgeable about these sometimes intimidating subjects. Faith's blog's essence can be summed up in a few words: "I blog about moving to the country, living on less, and making the most of it." Consider food, finance, fitness, flowers, and family activities with a frugal twist! As a mother of two and a personal finance journalist, I am deeply committed to assisting people in making the most of their money. "

Thrifty Living Tips

Savvy in Somerset - Money and Finance Blog

Fiona of Savvy In Somerset offers money-saving tips based on her experience with 'extreme money-saving.' She hopes to demonstrate some ways people can save money without sacrificing all of their favorite things, as well as suggest some ways to earn extra money. The blog is aimed at "ordinary" people, demonstrating how small changes can add up to big savings! Savvy In Somerset is a source of many ideas on where to find that extra money, with topics such as saving money on food, household bills, finding bargains for clothes and accessories, and taking advantage of deals and loyalty cards.

Fiona explained why she started Savvy In Somerset:

"I started my blog because I wanted to share all of the strategies we used to save for our first home." We saved over £50,000 after five years of hard work, which has had a huge positive impact on our finances. It meant that our mortgage rates were lower and that our monthly payments would be manageable even if we only had one income. I also wanted to demonstrate that anyone can get on the property ladder if they work hard enough.

Eating on a Budget

Joleisa - Money and Finance Blog

Jo and Leisa, twin sisters, blog about their lifestyle and frugal living, with a particular emphasis on food. They provide suggestions for preparing inexpensive and simple meals for a variety of occasions, such as filling, healthy evening meals, or holiday food ideas. They also provide advice on effective meal preparation, which can help people save time and money. With press and television appearances, Jo and Leisa are constantly coming up with new recipes and ways to live a more frugal life, even during major events like weddings and Christmas. Jo and Leisa shared their thoughts on personal finance: "Jo and Leisa started their frugal lifestyle blog in their final year of teaching. We are convinced that personal finance is so named for a reason. Each person's situation is unique, so you must work within your constraints and do what is best for you. Do not look up to the Joneses and aspire to be like them. Their situation is unique. Stay in the present moment, budget wisely, and plan for the future. One of the most important lessons we've learned since becoming more financially savvy is that if you lend money to friends and family, be prepared to be the enemy once the loan repayment date arrives. "

Being frugal with money

Morgan M. Woods - Money and Finance Blog

Morgan M. Woods uses her personal experience to assist people in improving their financial situation. Having previously struggled with money and debt, she took action to improve her finances and now uses her blog to share what she has learned with her readers. She discusses how to start saving money on things like energy bills, shopping, Christmas, food, and even make-up. Finding ways to make extra money is also an important aspect of the blog, with ideas such as surveys, cashback, mystery shopping, and freelance work. These posts may provide readers with ideas for where they can find extra money, whether it's by cutting back on spending or finding a new way to make money in their spare time. "I started my blog initially to share with other families how my family and I were saving for our mortgage and paying off our debts," Morgan explained. This has led to my blog assisting other families in earning extra income from home and saving money for large expenses or debt repayment. I provide a free monthly budget planner on my blog to help others see where their money is going and, hopefully, identify areas where they can cut back and save.

Making Money From Home:


Katykicker shares her knowledge of making money online with others who want to supplement their income. She discusses a variety of extra income streams, such as focus groups, selling items, cashback, matched betting, and more, to show how people can earn money in their spare time and from home. She also provides suggestions for saving money and budgeting, such as for energy, food, and mobile phone bills. 'Katykicker' also provides mealtime recipe tips and money-saving ideas based on her own experiences. The blog has a more personal touch because Katy discusses these topics in the context of her family, making these posts more relatable and interesting to readers. "I started my blog initially to share with other families how my family and I were saving for our mortgage and paying off our debts," Morgan explained. As a result, my blog now assists other families in earning extra money from home and saving money for large expenses or debt repayment. On my blog, I offer a free monthly budget planner to help others understand where their money is going and, hopefully, identify areas where they can cut back and save.


Savings 4 Savvy Mums - Money and Finance Blog

Laura founded Savings 4 Savvy Mums, a blog about family finances and budgeting, in 2017. Having children can put a strain on an already tight budget, and this blog aims to give parents ideas on how to save money or earn extra money from home. The blog also has a strong food focus, with recipes for healthy family meals on a budget. It provides recipe ideas for large family dinners, packed lunches, and Christmas cooking, for example, which may provide readers with ideas on how to save money on food without sacrificing nutritional value or taste! Laura shared one of her cost-cutting suggestions: "I'm very interested in saving money as a family." If you need to cut your spending and save money quickly, I recommend starting with meal planning and budgeting. Layout all of your current food and try to make at least two meals out of it. Then go over all of your accounts and be truthful about your incomings and outgoings. "The first step toward saving money is to understand where your money is going."

Budgeting with a family:

Miss Manypennies

Miss Manypennies offers suggestions on how families can earn and save extra money, whether readers are struggling to stick to a budget or simply want to increase their income. They write about simple savings tips that people can implement in their daily lives, such as cutting out unnecessary expenses and spending less on food, as well as more serious topics like saving for a house deposit and budgeting for a baby. The blog also looks at various ways for people to make money in their spare time. They pay differently, but they can give readers ideas on how to supplement their income through online surveys, making and selling items, writing, teaching, and other activities. Hayley of Miss Manypennies discussed how to finance a family: "Miss Manypennies' goal is to help families keep their finances in order by sharing money-saving and frugal living tips, as well as ideas for earning a little extra money." My number one money tip is to learn to love your budget! "A well-kept budget is the foundation of everything that has to do with improving finances and managing money better.

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