Imperialism: What Is It?, Definition and Examples

Imperialism: What Is It?, Definition and Examples

The Latin word imperium is where the word "imperialism" originates. Its meaning is "to order." Imperialism is the practice of expanding a nation's influence into foreign lands or dominating the politics or economy of another nation.

Imperialism: A Definition and Examples

The bare use of power is imperialism. Since your strength is only an accident that resulted from other people's weaknesses, Joseph Conrad wrote in his 1902 novel "Heart of Darkness," For the sake of obtaining what was available, they seized every opportunity. In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would protect the Americas from European imperialism. It created the groundwork for continuing American meddling in the Western Hemisphere. Spanish colonial rule in the Western Hemisphere was put to an end in 1898 by the Spanish-American War. Spanish claims to Cuba were dropped, and the United States assumed control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. A few years later, it defeated Filipino nationalists. Even though Puerto Ricans are citizens of the United States, neither independence nor full statehood have been granted to the island. Between 1870 and 1900, a fifth of the world's landmass—roughly 9 million square miles—was seized by European nations. At that time, imperialism affected about 150 million people. World War I was a result of European imperialism. Imperialism had been a major source of wealth for Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Russia, and Great Britain. Southeast European nations bordering Russia were a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The empires of Germany and Italy both included nations in Africa, as well as the former French provinces of Lorraine and Alsace. The majority of eastern Europe, including Serbia, was part of the Russian Empire, which the Allies represented. The French Empire controlled Vietnam and the majority of northern Africa, while the British Empire controlled nations in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. When Germany and Austria-Hungary occupied small countries like Bosnia and Morocco, the Allies felt threatened. Before World War I, nationalism was also rising among conquered countries. Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks were particularly fed up with living as outcasts in the German and Austro-Hungarian empires. Bosnia and Herzegovina were under Austro-Hungarian rule when Serbian nationalists wanted it to end. When a Serbian nationalist killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. As a result, Russia and eventually the other Allies joined in. To defend their empires, they turned to militarism, but the results were disastrous.

Understanding Imperialism

Imperialism sees economics as a "zero-sum" game where there are only so many resources available. According to this theory, someone must become poorer for someone else to become richer. Imperialism uses the concept of "survival of the fittest," or social Darwinism, to justify its use of force in its expansion. The early 20th-century economist J.A. Hobson wrote in his book "Imperialism: A Study" that history has demonstrated that imperialism frequently takes advantage of the resources of the conquered nation. This could serve as the economic justification for conquering other countries and establishing an empire. Because nature is seen as nothing more than a resource to be exploited for the smallest profit, imperialism has also contributed to climate change. In a zero-sum economy, someone must lose out due to resource depletion or pollution for businesses in the developed world to succeed.

Colonialism versus Imperialism

Imperialism Colonialism
Takes over the political system of another nation Gets the upper hand over people
Possible without bringing in settlers Frequently includes immigrants from another country
Control by one power over a dependent region or population is known as colonialism, and it frequently entails settling newcomers in another nation. Its root is the farmer-related Latin word colonus. The settlers maintain their allegiance to their home country even though they intend to live there permanently. The ancient Greek, Roman, and Ottoman empires saw the beginnings of colonialism. In the sixteenth century, improved ships allowed it to grow internationally. These ships made it possible to transport substantial numbers of colonists from one nation to another while also enslaving the colonized people. Important: Although "imperialism" and "colonialism" are frequently used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Through various forms of control, imperialism enables one nation to rule over another. If the occupying nation does not send in settlers, it may take place without colonialism. In the late 19th century, Europeans grew their empires in Africa without planning to colonize it fully. That doesn't lessen the terrible impact imperialism had on Africa, though. Additionally, there was no colonization associated with American expansion into the Philippines and Puerto Rico.

Mercantilism versus Imperialism

Imperialism Mercantilism
Gains command over the politics and/or economy of another country Demonstrates control over global trade
Utilizes the resources of the defeated nation The government supports businesspeople.
According to the economic theory of mercantilism, controlling foreign trade would increase wealth and boost national power. In order to close the trade gap and generate a surplus, businesses and the government collaborate. In this model, the government supports business owners. In addition to creating monopolies, it exempts certain industries from taxes, grants pensions to those industries, and places tariffs on imports. Businesses return the profits from international expansion to their governments. Domestic business taxes finance ongoing economic expansion and rising political influence. A type of economic nationalism known as mercantilism promotes trade regulations that safeguard domestic industries. People who think their nation is superior to all others create nationalism as a system. Most frequently, a shared ethnicity is the source of this superiority complex.

Capitalism vs. imperialism

Imperialism Capitalism
Gaining control over the politics and/or economy of another country Invests in developing nations in order to market products and use resources
Exploits took control of the nation's resources Calls for a market economy could result in imperialism
Numerous people contend that imperialism is a byproduct of capitalism. According to Hobson, capitalist societies produce more than their own economies can consume. Businesses underpay their employees, making it difficult to handle an oversupply. They invest in developing nations intending to sell their products and utilize their natural resources as a result. To safeguard their own interests, businesses rely on their governments. According to Marxist philosopher Vladimir Lenin, Imperialism is a type of advanced capitalism. It invariably resulted in strong monopolies that were pressured to grow their empires by annexing colonies and establishing dependencies that served as markets, investment opportunities, sources of food and raw materials, and other necessities. Others, however, contend that imperialism is not always the result of capitalism alone. When the government does not own the factors of production—business, capital goods, raw materials, and labor—capitalism emerges. From their property, the owners make money. A market economy is necessary for capitalism. According to the laws of supply and demand, the market determines prices and allocates goods and services. According to the law of demand, a product's price rises as demand for it grows. When rivals realize they can profit more, they increase production. Additionally, it might draw in more companies. The greater supply drives prices down to a point where only the strongest rivals are left. However, unless these rivals continue to innovate and boost efficiency, they won't be able to maintain their leadership in a free market. Imperialism has been demonstrated in a number of non-capitalist nations. In order to exploit its resources, Communist China forcibly occupied Tibet in 1951 and colonized it with Chinese volunteers. China has also made significant investments to take advantage of the natural resources in African countries, taking advantage of the "partnership" without fostering local community development.

Relevant Lessons

  • Imperialism occurs when a nation expands its influence into other lands for commercial or political reasons.
  • With effects on the economy and climate change, imperialism has been a significant factor in American history.
  • The effects of imperialism can still be felt today, despite many important events that occurred a long time ago.
  • Understanding imperialism may help us move forward with more sensible business practices and policies regarding climate change.

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