How To Get the Most Affordable Term Life Insurance For Yourself?

How To Get the Most Affordable Term Life Insurance For Yourself?

The most cost-effective life insurance coverage is one that you can afford. Life insurance at a low cost is the way to go. when it comes to getting coverage that meets both your demands and your budget. Finding affordable term life insurance coverage should be simple if you're in good health. From the comfort of your own home, you can look for and compare low-cost life insurance policies, and some policies don't even require a medical exam. But who should you choose as your life insurance provider? While many firms offer low-cost term insurance online, it can be tough to decide which one to entrust with your insurance needs and your family's future. Finding out which businesses are reputable and honest, then comparing prices for the coverage you require, is your best bet. Because all term insurance works the same way in the end, giving your family a lump sum of money if you die before your policy's "term" expires, the most significant issue to consider is price.

The most affordable life insurance

We compared more than 20 firms that offer term life insurance policies online to assist you in your quest for cheap coverage. Following that, we examined each organization and its offers in detail to see how they compared. The finest life insurance companies for term coverage in 2022 and beyond are listed below. according to our research:

Reviews of Low-Cost Life Insurance Companies

Any of the life insurance companies on our list would be a good fit for your term coverage needs, but you should compare them to see what they have to offer. It's also a good idea to search about and compare prices to ensure you get the greatest offer. The life insurance reviews that follow can assist you in narrowing down your options.


Bestow offers low-cost term life insurance for as little as $10 per month, and you can get accepted in just a few minutes after submitting a complete application online. This company has a number of advantages, one of which is that no medical exams are required. Instead, they use complex algorithms and technology to calculate your risk as a customer and the monthly premiums you should pay. Bestow's term life insurance is likewise a solid bet. because insurers guarantee it with an A+ financial stability grade. Bestow offers terms of up to 30 years, and the full application process can be completed digitally.


Ladder is another website that offers life insurance that allows you to complete a comprehensive application and receive life insurance coverage in minutes. Due to the technology used to evaluate rates and coverage alternatives, this company guarantees lower charges. They may also extend coverage without employing a fleet of life insurance agents because they're completely online. The fact that Ladder encourages you to "ladder" your coverage over time is an intriguing point to note about their service. It involves having greater life insurance coverage when you need it (for example, during your peak earning years), then less coverage as your needs change over time. It means you'll only pay for the life insurance you require when you require it.

Haven Life 

Haven Life is another term life insurance company that has gained popularity in recent years. This company makes it simple to apply for life insurance online and get approved in minutes. You may be eligible if you meet specific criteria to get a policy without having to take a medical exam, and you can choose from a variety of policy durations to suit your needs. Haven Life even allows you to "guess your rate" online without having to complete a full application, making it much easier to compare prices. It's also worth noting that Haven Life's plans are backed by MassMutual, one of the country's most reputable and trustworthy insurance companies. The organization may also provide some of the most cost-effective term policies available right now. For instance, they advertise rates as low as $14.99 per month for a $250,000.20-year policy.

AIG Direct is a subsidiary of AIG

Another insurer that made our list because of its low prices and high-quality plans is AIG Direct. This company offers term insurance for as little as $14 per month for a $250,000 policy with a 20-year term. You may also acquire a no-obligation term life insurance quote online, making it simple to compare pricing for the quantity of coverage you require. AIG Companies has been offering life insurance and other types of coverage for almost a century, indicating that they have a strong track record of financial stability. It means you can get insurance from AIG Direct and never have to worry about whether or not you'll be covered if you need it. Also, if you really want to talk to an agent, AIG Direct does provide phone access to agents who can assist you with your coverage needs.

Health IQ 

Health IQ is a term life insurance company that caters to people who are more health-conscious than ordinary people. This company claims that because they focus on customers in good health, they can offer term life insurance plans for up to 41% less than their competitors. While various healthy habits can help you qualify, Health IQ concentrates on customers who can run an eight-minute mile, cycle 50 miles or more per week, or deadlift their body weight. Customers who have been a member of the gym for at least a year are also given priority. However, you should be aware that Health IQ is an aggregator, which means their portal allows you to compare prices from over 30 different insurers. It is a significant advantage because Health IQ effectively allows you to "shop around" with various insurers in one spot. Still, it's crucial to note that an independent company will provide your actual policy rather than Health IQ.


Another trustworthy business that offers term life insurance that can be purchased online is Prudential. You can speak with a professional insurance agent about your needs by calling their customer service center. Still, you can also start your life insurance policy online and from the comfort of your own home. A.M. Best has given Prudential an A+ rating, indicating that you may buy the insurance and be confident that it will be there when you need it. This company also offers affordable insurance to customers who aren't necessarily "young." For a 50-year-old male, a $100,000 ten-year term coverage costs about $22 per month. Filling out some basic information on Prudential's website is the easiest method to figure out how much you'll have to pay for term life insurance coverage. You'll be able to customize your coverage to meet your specific needs, such as how much coverage you want and for how long.

How to Get Life Insurance at a Lower Cost

Let's be clear: life insurance is not prohibitively expensive. In reality, Term life insurance is extremely affordable compared to other types of life insurance. We offer some more terrific money-saving strategies in addition to purchasing term life insurance. Follow these 11 easy steps to save a lot of money on your life insurance coverage.

Comparing Multiple Quotes (Tip #1)

My wife used to sell insurance for a large company back in the day. We made a comparison because I could also offer insurance. We based it on a quote she provided for a male applicant for term life insurance. Even though we were both selling the same company and the exact same products, going directly through her was more expensive when we ran the numbers. The lesson here is that it pays to shop around. There are considerable differences between a captive insurance representative and an independent insurance agent. Captive insurance agents usually represent a single firm and can only sell that company's policies. Independent agents are free to represent a variety of insurance companies and are not committed to a single company. Even if you bundle all of your insurance together, using a captive agent could be substantially more expensive. Make sure to hire an independent agent, such as PolicyGenius, who can provide you with quotes from a variety of carriers. It is especially important if you have a health condition that makes you a high-risk person along the same lines. Agents come and go as soon as they come. Don't buy from your cousin who just got into the business. Some agencies make it a point to encourage new agents to sell to their family and friends. When the agent's supply of regular contacts is depleted, he or she looks for a new job. You don't want to get life insurance from a complete stranger anyway.

Tip #2: Don't put it off

Unless you're Jack Palance, who did one-arm pushups at the Oscars at the age of 70, your health is likely to deteriorate as you get older. Surprise, surprise, surprise! Procrastinating on purchasing term life insurance can significantly influence your ability to apply when the time comes. You may be thinking to yourself, "Oh, nothing will ever happen to me." Tell that to the 37-year-old man who had no previous health problems yet suffered a heart attack at the age of 32. Fortunately, he is unharmed, but obtaining life insurance is not impossible because of issues resulting from the heart attack, but it is prohibitively expensive. Super-expensive does not imply low-cost. The longer you wait, especially if you're a man, the more expensive life insurance may get. Your term life monthly premiums could increase by as much as 10% each year as you get older. Every year that you live brings you closer to death (great notion, right? ), which means that insurance firms must charge you more in order to recoup their costs.

Tip #3: Improve Your Health

If Cheetos, hot dogs, and Ben and Jerry's are your idea of three healthy food groups, you will pay the price in more ways than one. Eating crap, often known as junk food, can have serious consequences for your cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure, all of which can quickly raise your insurance premiums. You have to trim out the fluff if you want to achieve the best term life rate feasible. Regular exercise can also lessen your risk of developing health problems or being diagnosed with diseases. Every day, the American Heart Association recommends that you undertake at least 30 minutes of intense activity. Suppose you've dropped a lot of weight and started exercising. In that case, it's a good idea to contact your agent for a policy revaluation to see if you're eligible for lower monthly premiums, similar to quitting unhealthy behaviors. Customers can take advantage of incentive programs offered by some of the leading life insurance companies in the United States. These initiatives aim to improve the health and longevity of their participants. Each Wellness program is unique, but most of them use a "point system" to cut prices based on how many points you earn. These systems usually feature an activity tracker that allows you to track how much exercise you get each day.

Tip #4: Avoid Smoking (or Chew)

I had a client who was applying for a term life coverage not long ago. He doesn't chew and doesn't smoke, as far as I know. He was working in his yard a week before his physical and decided to reward himself with smoke when he completed. I'm very sure he could have gotten away with it any other time, but not seven days earlier! Sure enough, the tobacco made its way into his system, and his insurance premiums skyrocketed. Put out the cigarette and grab a stick of gum if you want to be sure you're receiving the best deal on a term life insurance policy. Smokers should expect to pay twice or three times as much as non-smokers. If you're like one of my clients who enjoyed a celebration cigar, look for a company that will accommodate your preferences. There are dozens of companies that will enable applicants to smoke cigars on rare occasions, usually a couple per year, without automatically charging smokers' rates. Bottom line: Quit smoking if you're a smoker. You'll save hundreds of dollars each year if you quit smoking (not to mention the money you save from not buying cigarettes). You can have your life insurance policy revaluated if you already have one but have given up a dangerous habit like smoking. It's simple to have your policy reevaluated; most of the time, all you need to do is ask your insurance agent. Depending on how long you've been free of these behaviors, you may qualify for a cheaper monthly cost.

Tip #5: Take it easy

As a weekend hobby, a dear friend of mine used to drag race vehicles. That weekend pastime allegedly followed him about wherever he went. His careless driving resulted in a slew of traffic tickets, raising his auto insurance and his life insurance premiums. Multiple accidents or speeding fines could raise your monthly premiums (pun intended). Because of the high number of fatalities caused by careless driving, line insurance agents have begun to check driving records as part of the application procedure. Sure, traveling ten, twenty, or even thirty miles per hour over the speed limit will save you a few minutes, but it will cost you money. You're not a NASCAR driver if you drive like Jimmie Johnson! Make sure your term rates aren't going too fast, too.

Don't Forget the Family, Tip #6

Many people are unaware that family history is taken into account when applying for life insurance. Even if you're in great shape, your insurance premiums could suffer if one of your parents died young (before the age of 70) from a hereditary problem, such as heart disease in dads for sons or breast cancer in mothers for daughters. In the worst-case situation, those conditions would result in immediate rejection, but they would receive a higher-rated class in the best-case scenario. You can't control some things with your parents, but you have a reason to speak out if they aren't exercising and taking care of themselves. Don't worry if you don't know your family history or if you're adopted; it won't harm you. Tell your agent upfront that you have no idea how healthy your family history is. So, before you start shopping for low-cost life insurance, give Uncle Bobby a call and inquire about his health.

Stop Behaving Like Sir Richard Branson (Tip #7)

Taking a small risk to get your heart rate up is always entertaining. A scary roller coaster ride, skiing, and tubing behind a boat are all good examples. Even the most prestigious life insurers are unconcerned if you engage in any of these activities. It's a different story if you're a skydiver, a space jumper, or a crocodile wrestler. Just because Richard Branson enjoys doing crazy things doesn't imply you should, particularly if you're looking for low-cost term life insurance. You don't have to give up all of your interests and live in a bubble to be happy. As long as your hobbies are legal, you can continue to do what you enjoy. Aside from skydiving, there are a number of activities that might raise your insurance prices that you may not be aware of. Motorcycle riding, hunting, boating, and scuba diving can all result in a $500 - $2,000 increase in your monthly premiums each year.

Tip #8: Be Honest with Yourself

You must be open and honest while applying for life insurance. Everything regarding your medical history must be shared, especially if it will appear on your records. You may be unable to deal with the facts, but insurance companies will and will do so by refusing your claim. Lying to the life insurance agent would only delay the procedure and end up costing you more money. The insurance agent wants to assist you in obtaining the best possible rates; they are on your side; therefore, being completely honest is crucial. So, before applying for life insurance, be prepared to provide accurate responses to the following questions: Your family's background: You should be ready to provide information on major health issues affecting your direct family line members. It can include parents, siblings, and even offspring, as all of these factors can point to the possibility of hereditary problems. If your mother or father died early as a result of health problems, you might be at a higher risk. Your line of work. The insurance industry considers some vocations to be dangerous. As a result, insurance firms will charge a higher premium. It is something you'll want to discuss with your insurance broker so you can figure out which firms are the greatest fit for you. The state of your health. Even if you don't believe your health problems are serious, think about them. It could be due to excessive blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a past cancer diagnosis. It's always better to reveal these circumstances than to keep them hidden and hope the insurance company doesn't notice. Your body mass index. It's pointless to give an optimistic number on the application because they'll weigh you. What you do for a good time. If you participate in any potentially dangerous extracurricular activities, you must also disclose them. People who enjoy skydiving, deep-sea diving, or flying a private jet have a problem with insurance providers. If you don't tell your insurance provider about it and they find out later, they may cancel your policy. Poor habits. Smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and drug usage are all examples of this. You may be classified as a greater risk if you engage in what you consider to be a once-in-a-while habit. If receiving the best possible rate is your primary concern, it could be smart to give up any of these habits before applying for life insurance. If not, tell your broker about them so he can help you identify the ideal companies to apply to. Your driving history is an important consideration. For insurance purposes, a history of traffic accidents, police citations, and, in particular, DWI/DUI episodes will count. Databases have a lot of information, and the insurance company will look it up. History of Credit - I know it seems ridiculous to consider your credit when purchasing insurance, but statistics don't lie. Life insurance firms have discovered that persons with superior credit not only pay their payments on time but also take fewer risks and are less likely to need to use their life insurance policy. Each of these will influence the premium. If you're honest up front, you'll be able to identify the insurance providers that will take the most favorable view of your circumstances. Lying on your life insurance application will not only cause more complications and slow down the entire insurance procedure, but it could also have catastrophic implications. The insurance company may refuse to pay out on your policy if you are dishonest and are accepted for coverage without sharing that information. Hiding the truth could end up costing your family thousands of dollars and leaving them without the resources they expected.

Tip #9: Define Your Objectives - What Do You Want Your Insurance Policy To Do For You?

This is where you'll figure out how much insurance you'll need and how long, and how to match your life insurance to your actual needs, so you don't overpay. Here are a few examples of how life insurance is used: You're working on paying off your mortgage. If you have 20 years left on your mortgage and owe $150,000, a $150,000 20-year term life insurance policy will suffice — assuming you have no other demands. Other debts are being paid down. You may wish to keep a coverage large enough to cover large credit or company bills. Take care of your children as they grow up. Calculate how much your spouse will need to care for your children without your income each year, then multiply that by the number of years until your youngest child turns 18 or 21. It will also assist you in determining the required length. You are investing in the college education of your children. You might wish to set aside money to help your children pay for their college education. You'll get your insurance number once you've calculated how much that is. You are allowing a business partner to purchase your stake in the company after you die. It is mostly a consideration for self-employed individuals, but it is critical if you are. You can purchase a term life insurance policy that will provide your business partner(s) with the funds necessary to buy out your family's stake in the company if you die. Your business will go to your partner, and your family will get the money. Don't you think it's a brilliant arrangement? You are having to pay estate taxes on a deceased person's estate. Even if you have enough money to cover your own insurance needs, you may want to carry a life insurance policy to cover inheritance taxes. That way, all of the money you've set up for your heirs will go to them rather than the tax authorities. These are merely guidelines to assist you in determining how much and for how long you require insurance. Most people require life insurance for more than one of these reasons, so you'll have to do some math to figure out how much you'll need. It will allow you to purchase only the amount of life insurance that you require, lowering your costs. It's not rocket science, but I still encounter a lot of folks who don't follow these simple procedures.

Tip #10: Purchase only what you require

Don't acquire more than you require in this regard. Life insurance policies are designed to help your loved ones when you die away. Many people are concerned about leaving their loved ones with thousands of dollars in debt because death is such a frightening issue. Because of this worry, many people will get more extensive coverage than they need. Many financial gurus advise that you reevaluate your life insurance needs every few years. Because your life is likely to change on a regular basis, your life insurance requirements may alter as well. Having children, paying off your mortgage, or returning to school can significantly influence your financial circumstances, affecting the amount of life insurance you need. Don't be fooled into purchasing more insurance than you require. All of this is to imply that if you only need $500k in life insurance, don't buy a million-dollar policy, and if you only need one million, don't get two million. Don't go crazy with your purchases! The average person spends roughly $400,000 on a home. Even if you aren't relying on the factors listed above, your situation will significantly impact the amount. Take, for example, stay-at-home moms. While a stay-at-home parent does not earn money, their effort around the house enables the other parent to work and earn money. As a result, they, too, require protection! Consider the following scenario, and If the working parent's spouse is unable to work, the working parent must either pick up the slack and not go to work (loss of income) or appoint someone to carry out the same tasks (increase in expenses). Even a $250,000 policy (which has a lot of price breaks) can allow the spouse some time to straighten things out over a medium period of time. Purchasing a $5 million policy would clearly be excessive. Purchasing a quarter-million dollars may even allow you to avoid the exam while still receiving extremely inexpensive rates. That gets me to my next point.

Tip #11: Consider Whether It's Worth It to Skip the Medical Exam!

If having your blood drawn isn't your thing, there are ways to purchase low-cost life insurance that doesn't require a medical exam. Because they prioritize ease above all else, the millennial generation is the largest purchaser of this type of life insurance. Assurity and Fidelity are our go-to carriers since they can offer you life insurance without a physical exam and issue coverage quickly. However, you must understand that by skipping the medical test, the insurance company is taking on additional risk, which you will be responsible for. Another disadvantage is the security. You'll get the same level of protection, but it's possible that you won't be able to get the same quantity. Depending on the insurer, you may be restricted in the amount of insurance you can purchase. When is it appropriate to get a no-exam term life insurance policy? Here are a few examples of the most prevalent scenarios: Need Life Insurance Quickly – The most typical reasons are to acquire a business loan or to fulfill a divorce decree. You can receive life insurance considerably more quickly with a no-medical-examination policy. Needles Make Me Faint Out - One of my clients admitted that a needle's sight makes her pass out. Her future would almost certainly include a no-exam policy. Totally Impatient - Do you despise having to wait for things to be completed? Process time for traditional term insurance is 4-6 weeks. Life insurance without a physical examination might take anywhere from 48 hours to two weeks to take effect. Sure, a no-medical-examination alternative is quicker, but it doesn't always imply it's the best one. Purchase when you are still in good health. Life insurance is one of those items that we often put off purchasing until "later." However, later in life, you may develop health problems that will increase the cost of your insurance policy. If you're in good health, now is the time to purchase life insurance. Upsells should be avoided at all costs. A variety of policy riders can be added to virtually every life insurance policy. They have advantages, but they will raise your insurance premiums. As a result, you should keep them to a bare minimum. Couples should acquire their own insurance rather than just adding each other as riders for various reasons. If you can save money by bundling, do so. Bundling your insurance coverage can save you money on specific occasions. Just be sure you're not overpaying for one sort of coverage in order to save money on another. If the same company that provides your auto and homeowner's insurance also provides life insurance, you might save a lot of money by purchasing it from them. Check to see if the insurance provider has a good reputation. You should check with a rating agency like A.M. Best to see if the company is rated "A" or better. It won't help you much to get the lowest life insurance coverage if the provider doesn't pay you if you file a claim.

Get a Free Life Insurance Quote, and Save Today. Life insurance is essential for any family

There should never be a reason for a family to be concerned about paying for their loved one's final costs. If something were to happen to you, life insurance will not only pay your bills, it will, however, provide you with a sense of security that your family is taken care of. It is not difficult to find low-cost term life insurance. Begin by obtaining quotations and comparing rates, as explained in this article. We've put together a list of suggestions, but you'll need to do your research as well. Because your life and requirements are unique, take some time to shop around and get the best coverage for you and your family. As a starting point, consider our proposals and obtain a free estimate right away so you can get a policy in place right away.

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