Do I Need Life Insurance?

Do I Need Life Insurance?

The purpose of life insurance is to provide financial security for a person's beneficiaries in the event that the insured person passes away. A family may be able to get compensation from the death benefit for the loss of the breadwinner's lifetime income. In addition to this, it can provide monetary resources to pay off any outstanding obligations or business expenses. It's not hard to grasp the fundamentals of life insurance, but it can be tricky to determine whether or not you require a policy of your own and when that time comes. It is also not always easy to determine the appropriate level of coverage for your situation. Here is the information you require to make an informed choice for yourself:

How Does the Process of Buying Life Insurance Work?

There are three primary people that appear in life insurance policies:
  1. A proprietor or a person who holds a policy.
  2. The individual whose life is covered by the insurance. Although this is typically the policyholder, it does not necessarily have to be.
  3. The individuals who are eligible to receive the death benefit. It could be only one, or it could be more than one.
When the insured person passes away, the beneficiaries of their life insurance policy receive a payout known as the death benefit. This is done in exchange for the premium payments made by the policyholder. Getting life insurance when you're younger typically results in lower premiums due to the fact that your likelihood of passing away rises with increasing age. Life insurance can be broken down into two primary categories: term and permanent

Term Life

The coverage for term life insurance is only in force for a predetermined amount of time. This ranges anywhere from one to thirty years the vast majority of the time. If you pass away during the period of the policy, then the beneficiary will receive the death benefit. In the event that you outlast the policy's term, your beneficiaries will not get anything from the policy's proceeds. The type of life insurance known as term life often has the lowest premium costs. 

Permanent Life

Permanent life insurance covers you for your entire life. Although the insurer will charge you higher premiums in comparison to term life, your rates may remain the same even though the likelihood of your passing away may increase over time. This is the case due to the fact that a percentage of the "extra" money you have paid to the insurer (in comparison to the premiums you would pay for a term policy of equivalent value) builds up as a cash value. During the duration of the insurance, you will have access to it.  This means that this particular sort of life insurance can be utilized in the same manner that a savings account would. It is possible that it will provide you with a source of income in your senior years. 

Why Should You Invest in Life Insurance?

There are many frequent justifications for purchasing life insurance, including the following:
  • In order to provide financial support to any dependents who are dependent on your salary.
  • Must pay for the costs associated with the funeral and any other remaining expenses.
  • In order to leave a monetary inheritance for one's heirs.
  • In order to pay taxes owed on an estate or an inheritance.
  • To make a contribution to a charitable organization.
  • To establish a method of savings in the event that there is an existing or potential requirement for life insurance.

Who Really Requires a Life Insurance Policy?

Life insurance is not necessary for everyone, but it is essential to determine whether or not you require coverage. If any of the following apply to your situation:

You Have Dependents

The most prevalent justification for purchasing life insurance is to shield one's dependents from financial hardship in the event of one's death. If you leave behind a spouse, children, or other dependents, your family may be able to weather the financial storm caused by your passing with the assistance of the payout.

You Are the Owner of a Business

If you operate a business, you could find that purchasing life insurance is necessary to ensure the continuity of your company. It is also possible that it may provide your heirs with the financial resources necessary to dissolve the company or sell it or that it will insure another employee who is essential to the operation of the company. If you and another person own a business together, one of you may want a policy that, in the event of the other person's passing, will enable you to purchase the deceased person's share of the enterprise.

You Have a Significant Amount of Financial Obligation

After you pass away, the majority of debts that are owed entirely in your name will need to be paid off by your estate. If the person who co-signed the loan dies before paying off the obligation, the responsibility for the loan falls to the surviving co-signer. In the event that you pass away while holding debts, it is possible that your entire inheritance will go toward paying off your debts. Because of this, any loan co-signers you had could be held responsible for the debts you pledged to pay. Your heirs won't have to worry about your financial obligations if you have life insurance to assist pay off your bills.  When a borrower or student who has taken out federal or certain private student loans passes away, the debt associated with those loans is forgiven.

You Wish to Pay for All of Your Funeral Expenses

In 2019, the average cost of a funeral that included a viewing, as well as the burial was $7,640. If you have life insurance, it can help cover the expenses associated with your burial. That can provide you a sense of peace and security, especially if you have any concerns about your family's ability to pay for a funeral, because you will know that your passing will not impose an additional financial burden on the ones you leave behind. Insurance for final expenses is typically not prohibitively expensive. There is a specific kind of life insurance that covers the costs associated with a burial. The death benefit is not very high; most of the time, it is somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000.

What Kind and How Much Life Insurance Should You Get?

The reason(s) behind your need for life insurance will determine how much coverage you should get. When calculating how much you need, make sure to keep these considerations in mind at all times.

Sufficient to Allow You to Provide for Your Family

It is common practice to recommend that individuals who are financially responsible for others acquire a life insurance policy with a face value that is equal to a multiple of their annual pay. This rule of thumb is a quick approach to come up with a figure that will give a few years' worths of replacement income, but it is important to remember that this approximate value is merely a starting point and not the final destination of your calculation. Then, make it a priority to investigate, in further detail, how much your dependents will require. Consider how much additional revenue they can anticipate receiving from other sources. How much of your employee's income that isn't tied to your salary will be lost when you pass away? This could include things like retirement contribution matches or subsidies for health insurance.

What Your Successors Should Know About Your Company

If you are considering purchasing insurance to safeguard your company, you should give some thought to the following questions: How much money would your heirs need to buy it back from them or sell it if they decide to do either? How much money would be required to replace a key individual in the event that they pass away? How much would it cost for any other co-owners to buy out your portion of the business?

Sufficient to Pay Off All of Your Obligations

Shoppers for life insurance who are concerned about the financial legacy they will leave behind have the option of basing their death benefit on the sum that would be required to pay off their debts after they pass away. Those who are interested in leaving money to pay for their burial and any other final expenses can do so by filling out a funeral pricing checklist that provides an estimate of their requirements. However, there are situations in which the level of protection you require will be higher than what you are able to pay for. You might want to solve this issue by purchasing both term and permanent insurance policies, but you also have the option of merely purchasing term insurance. You also have the choice of purchasing a term policy that can be changed over to a permanent policy at a later time.

Less Frequent Requirements for Life Insurance

In addition to the most frequent reasons for purchasing life insurance, it can also assist in covering needs that are less typical. These might include the following:

Children's Health Insurance

The purchase of a life insurance policy for a child can provide a parent peace of mind that their family will be able to make it financially even after the death of a child. However, it is important to keep in mind that such a tragedy is extremely unlikely. Additionally, it can increase the likelihood of the child becoming eligible for life insurance in the future. That might come in handy in the event that an individual has a health diagnosis that makes it more difficult for them to pass the underwriting process.

Taking the Place of Existing Retirement Benefits

During a person's working years, life insurance is frequently advertised as a potential income replacement for the insured person; nevertheless, some retirees may choose to keep their policies even after they have stopped working. It is possible to use it to make up for the loss of any income received during retirement by the person's spouse or any dependents.


You may be able to secure a prospective source of income with the purchase of permanent life insurance. Once your cash value reaches a predetermined threshold, you will be able to withdraw some of it. Some policies additionally include the option of an accelerated death benefit, which gives the policyholder the ability to access the death benefit even while they are still alive in the event that the policy's triggering event occurs. This could involve receiving a diagnosis of a disease with no chance of recovery, requiring significant medical intervention, or requiring the assistance of a nursing home.

Is It Worth It To Get Life Insurance?

The choice to purchase life insurance is an individual one. Your circumstances, financial condition, and future aspirations all play a significant role in the calculations that go into your insurance policy. Even people who do not now have dependents, a business, or considerable debt may want to investigate the possibility of purchasing life insurance. This is because of the fact that the cost will go up as you age, which means that right now is most likely the moment when you may purchase a policy at the lowest possible cost. Even the most skilled financial planners are unable to anticipate the consequences of your passing on the economy. A policy of life insurance can offer your beneficiaries an additional layer of financial protection in the event of your passing. You can find the answers to the important concerns, such as when you should buy life insurance and how much you should buy, if you buy any at all, by thinking through the various financial challenges that could occur after your passing.

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