Average Health Insurance Cost for a Single Male

Average Health Insurance Cost for a Single Male

What is the typical monthly premium that males have to pay for their health insurance? There are a few different things that go into determining the cost of your health plan. Some of these factors may include your age, the type of plan you have, and whether or not your employer pays for any portion of your coverage. Find out more about the costs of insurance and the several ways you may save money on your policy. The typical monthly premium for health insurance for a male who is unmarried According to data from eHealth, the monthly premium for unsubsidized individual health insurance for men in the year 2020 was an average of $438. Take note that the participants in this research are individuals who purchase insurance through a marketplace. Your choice of health insurance plan will also have an impact on the monthly premium that you have to pay for coverage. When making your decision, you should take into account all of the available options, such as HMO vs. PPO.

Would Getting Insurance Through an Employer Save You Money?

It should come as no surprise that health insurance provided by employers is typically more affordable than plans purchased on the marketplace. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the amount of money contributed by covered workers toward the cost of individual coverage is 17%. As a result, the typical cost of HMO coverage is $101, whereas the typical cost of PPO coverage is $111.25. When compared to the findings from eHealth, which revealed that the average cost for a single individual, regardless of gender, was $456.1, the difference becomes clear. Prices differ from one state to the next. In the state of Hawaii, for example, the worker pays an average of $718 per year, whereas, in the state of Massachusetts, the worker may pay up to $1,793 per year. The price tag on this item is at the very top of the spectrum. The Kaiser Family Foundation has provided a breakdown, state by state, to illustrate the variances that may be seen across the country. In 2019, according to the census, 55.4% of Americans obtained their health insurance through their place of employment.

Alternatives that Save Money

One of the most important ways to save costs was made available by the Affordable Care Act. Young adults who are younger than 26 years old are eligible to remain on their parent's health insurance plan. If you are a single male under the age of 26 and your parents have health insurance, you may be eligible to go on your parents' plan. This would save you from having to pay for your own medical care out of cash.

Considerations That Affect the Cost of Your Health Insurance

When determining the amount of your monthly payment, health insurance companies take a number of criteria into consideration. These are the following:
  1. Location 
  2. Age (Note that Vermont and New York restrict age rating.)
  3. The amount of coverage you have (having more coverage results in higher monthly premiums.) The price that you pay for marketplace plans will change depending on the tier level that you select.
  4. Tobacco use
  5. Electing to Take Less Expensive Courses (For example, having a higher deductible can help you save money on your premiums and provide tax deductions if you have a health savings account (HSA) or a flexible spending account (FSA). 
  6. Your income, as well as whether or not you are eligible for tax credits or subsidies under the Affordable Care Act, as well as other programs like Medicaid.
  7. Whether the government or your business is the sponsoring entity for your plan. 
A Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator is available on the website of the Kaiser Family Foundation. This tool can assist you in determining, on an approximate level, how much your particular plan will cost.

Is It True That Women Pay More?

According to research by eHealth, the monthly premiums paid by women were on average $35 more than those paid by males. The expenditures on health insurance for women were, on average, $473 per month. The average cost of health insurance for men was $438.9 It might appear that women paid more than men based on these data; however, it is important to remember that some of the discrepancies can be attributed to the choice of plan. According to the census, the percentage of uninsured men is significantly greater. The percentage of uninsured men is 3.1 percentage points higher than the percentage of uninsured women in this country. 

Estimate of the Monthly Fee Based on Age

Your age could have an effect on the price that you pay for health insurance as well. According to the data from eHealth, the following is the typical cost based on age:
  • The age group of 18 to 24 years old costs $278.
  • The age group of 25 to 34 years old costs $329.
  • $411 is the price for those between the ages of 35 and 44.
  • The age group of 45 to 54 years old costs $551.
  • The age bracket of 55 to 64 years old costs $784.9
These figures apply to both men and women, but they provide an idea of the range of possibilities for the costs involved.

Obtaining Coverage for Medical Expenses Aside from the period of Open Enrollment

If you want to sign up for a new plan outside of the open enrollment period, one of the qualifying life events you must have occurred first. You may, for instance, sign up for a new plan through the marketplace in the event that you suddenly find yourself without work. You will be eligible to purchase a new plan if you get married or have a child as a result of such life events. Even relocating to a different county can count as a new location. 

Options for Health Insurance for a Single Male

Check out these other options for health insurance coverage before committing to a certain plan:
  • Your employer.
  • The commercial district.
  • The health insurance plan of your domestic partner. There are certain people who believe they are single but who are actually eligible for domestic partner benefits but are unaware of this fact.
  • If you are under the age of 26, your parent's health insurance plan or the health insurance plan offered through your school.
Consider looking into several sources of affordable coverage if you are currently unemployed or have a low income. Always make sure that you check to see if you qualify for any tax breaks that could really help you save money on the costs that you incur each month.

Where to Look for the Lowest Possible Rates on Health Insurance

If you are a single adult male, the best approach to pay the lowest price and maintain control over the cost of your health insurance is to: Be familiar with your available choices. Pick the insurance plan that suits your needs the most, and make sure to review it once a year. Inquire about available financial assistance. Try to get the greatest deal you can.

Questions That Are Often Asked(FAQs)

In the field of medicine, what exactly is meant by the term "cost sharing"?

When we talk about "cost sharing," we're referring to costs that are split between the patient and the insurer. The amount you pay toward your deductible or copayment is an example of cost sharing. Cost sharing does not normally include premium payments; however, the Medicaid and CHIP programs make factor premium payments into their cost-sharing calculations.

What are the costs associated with not having access to healthcare?

The "shared responsibility payment" was a financial penalty that was levied in the past on persons who did not have health insurance coverage. As a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, however, that tax was effectively eliminated, and as a result, foregoing healthcare coverage no longer results in any upfront expenditures. Due to the fact that you never know when a costly medical emergency will arise and that medical debt is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy, going without health insurance exposes you to serious financial risks. It is important to be aware of this fact, as it is among the leading causes of bankruptcy.

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