25 Wellness Wednesday Routine Ideas For Your Finances and For Your Life

25 Wellness Wednesday Routine Ideas For Your Finances and For Your Life

If you enjoy a nice routine, you are no different than us. Yes, that's right, I agree! In a world where the typical person must make about 35,000 decisions each day, I appreciate the fact that routines take one item off your plate. A Wellness Wednesday routine is an excellent approach to integrating more healthy behaviors into your life. Sounds intriguing, right? Continue reading to learn more about a Wellness Wednesday routine. You will also get advice on how to start with a Wellness Wednesday practice that will help you better your life financially and overall.

Wellness Wednesday: what is it?

Wellness Wednesday goes by many names – Wellbeing Wednesday being one of them. It is a day dedicated to nurturing your mind and body to keep them happy and healthy. The idea isn't to engage in a variety of activities. It is intended to assist you in developing healthy behaviors that will make your life better. "Wellness Wednesday's" precise roots are unknown. However, it was most likely created by healthcare experts who sought to assist their communities in living longer and healthier lives.

25 Ideas for Wellness Wednesday

The concept of wellness covers various aspects of one's life – it ranges from your physical health to your mental health and even your finances! Do not get overwhelmed, though. We've got you covered for every one of them.

Ideas for Wellness Wednesdays Dedicated to Your Health

The following nine Wellness Wednesday tips are excellent ways to take care of your physical health:

1. Try out exercises that you might enjoy

Suppose you have made efforts and failed to include exercise and working out into your daily routine. In that case, the sort of exercises you are practicing could be at fault. It's simple to persuade yourself not to do something that you despise. So, why not do some experimenting and try out a few different types of exercises till you come across one that you enjoy doing? Here are some exercises you could start off with:
  • Dancing or Zumba
  • Swimming
  • Rollerblading
  • Strength exercising
  • Bicycling
  • Running or jogging
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Lifting weights
Online trainers are great to help you stay motivated and consistent. You could try getting the services of one as well!

2. Put sleep first

Exercise, eating vegetables, and getting sufficient water are all vital for your health. Similarly, sleeping is essential as well. However, getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep can be difficult, particularly if you have young children, a demanding career, or any other obligations and responsibilities. Even so, incorporating sleep into your Wellness Wednesday practice is an excellent approach to improving your health. If you are having trouble sleeping, try adding a nighttime routine that includes practicing yoga or reading a book before bedtime to relax your thoughts. Then, approximately an hour before bed, switch off all bright lights to signal to your brain that it's time to start calming down. Side note: the use of dim red light is best for dozing off.

3. Lower the amount of sugar that you take

I absolutely adore sweets. Chocolate, in particular, is my favorite. And after eating a lot of desserts in a short period of time, I discover that my body wants them even more. My key to reprogramming my taste buds and reducing cravings is to do a one-week sugar detox in which I exclude all processed sugars. For example, I have discovered that just a few days of keeping my distance from processed sweet food is enough to rekindle my passion for fruits and other organically sweet treats.

4. Make sure to drink eight glasses of water

Even slight dehydration can have an impact on your mood and concentration. As a result, making sure that you drink the recommended amount of eight glasses of water each day might be an excellent approach to improve your general health. If you need help keeping track of your water consumption throughout the day, there are various options. You can start by using a water consumption tracking app. Alternatively, you can purchase one of those massive motivating bottles that encourage you to drink every hour or so. Oh, and if you don't like how the water tastes, consider adding in a wedge of lemon or lime.

5. Eating more fruits and vegetables

Consuming a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables every day has enormous long-term benefits. It has been shown to lower blood pressure, lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease, and even prevent certain malignancies. Why not make it a part of your Wellness Wednesday routine if you want to increase your fruit and veggie intake? You may do a Meatless Monday, a month of vegetarianism, or something else in between. Making vegetables and fruits the main point of your supper rather than the sideshow can make a big difference in your health.

6. Get up and go outside.

It is suitable for the spirit and the body to get outside. It's a chance to get some vitamin D, enjoy the fresh air, and free your mind. If you would like to try out this Wellness Wednesday advice, go for a stroll in the middle of the day. You could even explore a new neighborhood, visit your local park, or walk to your nearest coffee shop the next time you could use a change of pace.

7. Check up on yourself with your gynecologist

Have you visited a gynecologist in the last year? If not, spend 10 minutes right now arranging your checkup. If you are over the age of 40, you should also get a mammography.

8. Schedule your doctor's appointment

Why not make appointments for all of your yearly checkups at the doctor's while you are at it? It might be your eye doctor, dentist, general practitioner, or anyone else.

9. Get sober curious

People are beginning to study the role alcohol plays in their lives as part of a significant "sober curious" movement. As a consequence, some people are choosing to go without alcohol for a week, a month, a year, or permanently to observe how their mental and physical health changes. Implementing an alcohol-free week or month into your lifestyle could be a terrific Wellness Wednesday tip to consider if you also want to drink more consciously.

Ideas for Wellness Wednesdays Dedicated to Your Health

The following Wellness Wednesday ideas focus on helping you improve your mental as well as your emotional health.

1. Meditation

If you have never meditated before, it may appear a little silly. Whatever you may think of it, though, it is essential to remember that the health advantages are undeniable. Meditation on a regular basis can help you manage your anxiety, tension, and negative or self-limiting beliefs. To put it another way, it is a solid approach to boosting your mental health, and it's worth incorporating into your Wellness Wednesday practice if you want to give it a try.

2. Layout your short term goals and plan your journey

Putting down goals is not limited to New Year's resolutions. In fact, I would argue that setting objectives each coming week or month rather than once a year could lead to more success. So, for this week's Wellness Wednesday advice, make a list of just a few things you want to get done. If you are planning to start a business, for example, your aim this week might be to set up an LLC and a business bank account. You can even set a couple of additional goals for next week.

3. Try out gratitude journaling

It is all too tempting to focus on the unpleasant aspects of life. Maybe a loved one is ill. Maybe your child's school seems to get canceled often, and you can't find a daycare. Maybe your coworker was promoted instead of you. Writing down everything you are grateful for is a terrific approach to bringing hope and positivity back into your life. It also helps you draw your attention back to all the positive things that have already happened. Even if you are glad for nothing more than the cup of joe in your hand, writing it down and pondering on it might make you smile. One of the most straightforward and best Wellness Wednesday recommendations to start off is to practice appreciation.

4. Recognize and acknowledge your accomplishments

Celebrating all you have accomplished thus far in life, much like gratitude journaling, can be a terrific way to lift your spirits and get out of your brain. This works particularly well if you have recently felt like you have failed at everything. Bola, our incredible founder, does something similar. She keeps track of everything she's accomplished in her life, from being profiled on Good Morning America to becoming the mother of two incredible twins. She then reflects upon them whenever she requires a Wellness Wednesday boost.

Ideas for Wellness Wednesday dedicated to your wellbeing

In addition, let us look at seven Wellness Wednesday ideas that will improve your general wellbeing.

1. Reach out to an old friend

Who is it that has been tugging at the back of your mind recently? Whenever we first wake up in the morning, we all have somebody who comes to mind. Pick up the phone and reach out to them via text or call this Wellness Wednesday. You will show them that you care about them. In addition to that, you will feel relieved that you have prioritized their relationship in your life.

2. Declutter and clean out your space

Your surroundings have a far more significant impact on your attitude and productivity than you may realize. Just the way your room looks might have an effect on your mood and mindset for the day. As a result, decluttering your physical as well as digital spaces can be a great approach to getting your Wellness Wednesday habit started.

3. Switch off technology

Do you ever have the impression that technology is a necessary evil? You understand why we need a phone, but you despise how everyone's face and attention seem to be constantly glued to their devices. As a Wellness Wednesday suggestion, why not switch off all technology for that one day? Even if you do not want to abandon technology entirely, these 14 strategies for using less time to be on your phone can help.

4. Consider taking a rest day

You read that correctly. Allow yourself one day to do absolutely nothing (besides anything you wish to do, that is). So, sit in your nightgown all day, binge out on a new Netflix series, put together a jigsaw puzzle, order your favorite takeout, and read your favorite book. Do what you think will help relax your mind and body. Try one of the most soothing and revitalizing Wellness Wednesday suggestions!

5. Do not hesitate to pamper yourself!

Pampering oneself should not be limited to birthdays and special events. To be clear, it is a genuine type of self-care that has the potential to boost your mental well-being significantly. So, for this Wellness Wednesday advice, I am allowing you to have your nails done, get a massage, get a haircut, or do whatever you want that makes you feel pampered and special. If you are worried about the cash flow, head here to see ten different ways to pamper yourself while staying on a budget.

6. Push the boundaries of your comfort zone

This week's Wellness Wednesday suggestion is to get out of your comfort zone. Do not shy away from trying out something new! Do anything, but do something. It could be something as simple as getting your nails done in a silly color you would never try before. If you are feeling extra adventurous, it could be as complex as asking for a promotion.

7. Find a healthy role model

What is one life goal you are attempting to achieve? It may be anything from being better with money to break out of a mom funk, to trying to earn a seven-figure salary. Finding just one individual who has already achieved that objective could be all you need to have faith in your own ability to succeed. Learn more about how to find a decent role model in this article.

Ideas for Wellness Wednesdays dedicated to your finances

Finally, consider these five following Wellness Wednesday suggestions if you wish to enhance your financial status.

1. Go over your budget

When it comes to your spending, no two months are ever the same. For example, an unexpected bill may appear out of nowhere. Or perhaps a credit card might be paid off early. You might also have a volatile income that is tough to forecast. Regardless, as an aspect of your Wellness Wednesday habit, reviewing your budget could help you stay financially sound. If you have a spouse, schedule a money date on a regular basis to analyze your spending and discuss any major goals you want to attain.

2. Get your finances automated

Perhaps you have trouble paying your bills on time. Maybe you simply despise having to physically transfer money out of your bank account each and every month. Automating your finances is a fantastic way to cross all of this off your to-do list once and for all. Read our guide to automating your finances to learn what kinds of accounts you can automate, ways to do so, and more.

3. Press the reset button on bad financial habits

Do you get a feeling that your expenditure is getting out of hand? Press the reset button on your financial habits by maintaining a spending notebook. In this, you could record every purchase you make and then evaluate whether or not those purchases were worthwhile. If you would like to be more conscious with your money, you could try a money-saving or no-spend challenge. These challenges will make saving money a lot more enjoyable!

4. Put in the work on your money mindset

Your mindset is crucial to achieving your financial objectives. In other words, having a poor money mindset can seriously impede your achievement. Consider taking our 100 percent free "Build a Solid Foundation" bundle, which includes help with changing your financial attitude, for this Wellness Wednesday suggestion.

5. Go on a search for a new job that will give you a better work/life balance.

It is very typical for the boundaries between work and personal life to blend to the point where they can't be distinguished from each other. If your job is causing you a lot of stress, switching jobs may be the most intelligent alternative you could go for, for your psychological wellbeing.

Incorporating Wellness Wednesday into your lifestyle: How to do it?

So now you have all these ideas for Wellness Wednesdays and ample motivation to do it. Now, how will you implement these recommendations into your daily routine? I have a few suggestions lined up for you:

1. Every day of the week, do something different

For a week, you could attempt a new activity every single day. Consider the following structure as an example of what I am talking about:
  • Sunday: Seek out for a job that might give you a better work/life balance.
  • Monday: Try out a Meatless Monday.
  • Tuesday: Schedule a doctor's appointment for an examination.
  • Wednesday: Give a new exercise a go and see if you enjoy doing it.
  • Thursday: Reach out to an old friend.
  • Friday: Go over your budget for the past week, and make adjustments for the upcoming week wherever you think is suitable.
  • Saturday: Have a self-care day to pamper yourself.

2. Every month, just do one activity

If you want to make it a habit, you may choose one activity to do for every Wellness Wednesday for that month. For instance, consider the following:
  1. January: Have a Meatless January.
  2. February: Come up with ways to ask for a raise at work.
  3. March: Work on your money mindset.
  4. April: Journal gratitudes every day.
  5. May: Review your budget at least once a week and automate your finances.
  6. June: Turn off technology at least once a week.
  7. July: Get at least seven hours of sleep each night.
  8. August: Find an exercise you enjoy.
  9. September: Declutter your physical and digital spaces.
  10. October: Try out being "sober curious."
  11. November: Drink eight glasses of water a day.
  12. December: Lastly, end the year by scheduling and attending doctor's appointments.

3. Turn these Wellness Wednesday ideas into a 30-day challenge!

You may also make a 30-day challenge out of your favorite picks from the list above. As a result, you might record everything in a blank wellness calendar. For example, consider the following Wellness Calendar:
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1st Declutter your digital space 2nd Meatless Monday 3rd Practice gratitude journaling 4th Be sober curious 5th Write down all your accomplishments 6th Find an exercise you enjoy 7th Work on your money mindset
8th Declutter your physical space 9th Reach out to an old friend 10th Review your budget 11th Rest day 12th Meatless Thursday 13th Go on a nature walk 14th Schedule doctor’s appointments
15th Pamper yourself 16th Prioritize sleep 17th Text an old friend 18th Cut out sugar for the day 19th Drink 8 glasses of water 20th Try meditation 21st Automate your finances
22nd Look for a new job 23rd Try a comfort zone challenge 24th Find a healthy role model 25th Prioritize sleep 26th Try another comfort zone challenge 27th Try another exercise to see if you enjoy it 28th Pamper yourself
29th Turn off technology 30th Review your budget 31st Map out short-term goals

Make one specific day of the week your "Wellness Wednesday."

Finally, you can implement these Wellness Wednesday suggestions into your life by designating one day of the week as "Wellness Wednesday." It does not have to be an actual Wednesday if those don't work for you. Then, during this day, complete a significant number of selections from your list. If you prefer Sundays, for example, you could set aside that day to:
  • Meditate
  • Prioritize sleep
  • Review your budget
  • Automate part of your finances
  • Drink eight glasses of water
  • Map out goals for the next week
  • Eat lots of fruits and veggies
  • Journal your gratitudes.

Which Wellness Wednesday tips did you find exciting and want to try out?

There are a plethora of ways to incorporate Wellness Wednesday ideas into your life. Try however many of these suggestions as you like, then pick the ones you enjoyed the most for your perfect day! Above all, remember that Clever Girl Finance has a wealth of content to assist you on your wellness path. So, whether you want to advance your profession, clear out your loans, or start investing, these resources can help you get started.

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