100 Positive Affirmations for Self Love

100 Positive Affirmations for Self Love

It's all about being kind to oneself when using positive affirmations for self-love. Because let's face it, how many times have you said anything similar to these following sentences?

  • Wow, I was acting like such a fool.
  • I really have to stop being this stupid.
  • I'm a complete moron.
  • Doing that was such a foolish thing.
  • I'm such an idiot, which is why I will never achieve any of my goals.
The things you tell yourself have influence over you. The words you speak have power. These one-time remarks might appear innocent and not dangerous at first. Still, your mind will begin to believe them if repeated often enough. Affirmations for self-worth are crucial because they can affect and influence the way you think. They tend to mold your thinking and influence your behavior. You have to watch how you talk about yourself because negative words can change the trajectory of your life and turn into negative beliefs. Self-loving affirmations are essential for subduing your inner critic and allowing you to appreciate life. Positive self-talk can help you break free from restrictive ideas and conquer low self-esteem. No clue where to begin your journey of self-love? That's alright. Don't worry about it! We've put together a series of 100 affirmations for anything related to self-love and self-esteem. This ranges from your body to your career. But first, let's talk about whether or not this whole "positive affirmations for self-esteem" business actually works.

Do these self-love daily affirmations actually work and give results?

Yes, self-love affirmations are effective. They do genuinely work. Let us now explore the science behind these words: You have an internal conversation inside your mind all the time. Some encourage you and help you make progress in life and grow. Others are negative, instilling dread and self-consciousness in you. Positive affirmations that challenge your self-defeating attitudes will help you re-program your brain and replace those unpleasant neuronic networks with new pathways. Picture this scenario: Let us say you usually tell yourself, "There is no possibility that I am going to improve my money management skills. I will never succeed." A loving and positive affirmation that counters these thoughts could be: I believe I have what it takes to make smarter financial decisions. I am proud of the sophisticated and financially insightful woman I am turning into. I forgive myself for any financial blunders of the past. I accept myself for who I truly am." Your brain will then start to believe these positive affirmations of self-love as you repeat them. So you can see those daily self-love affirmations are effective!

How to Change Your Life with Loving Affirmations

So I will be the first one to confess that telling yourself how great you are might be a little embarrassing. It is alright if you feel awkward and absurd when you do it for the first few times. Reminding yourself of the science behind these self-love affirmations and staying consistent throughout is all you have to do then. You'll soon start to sense these new truths deep within yourself –– in your being and soul. The idea is to create daily self-love affirmations that effectively contradict your negative beliefs. Then, all you have to do is repeat them consistently until it becomes your second nature. Create some financial affirmations if your thoughts are related to money. Make some morning affirmations for self-worth if you wish to incorporate them into your daily life. The most crucial key to loving affirmations is to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk every day. Positive affirmations can assume a role in other aspects of your life as well. Fill a notepad or journal with positive affirmations about loving yourself. Another approach to start having more good thoughts is to leave reminders for yourself in the future. These messages can be put on your phone, in your car as sticky notes, or wherever else you can think.

Bonus suggestion: undergo a 30-day self-love journey!

Do you want to get started on becoming kinder to yourself? Take the 30-day self-love challenge available on our page. We designed the course to stop the negative thoughts in your mind so that you can make room for greater joy, abundance, and love in your life in just one month. This challenge allows you to integrate your new self-esteem affirmation habit as well. Please give it a go, and do not hesitate to tell us how it turns out!

List of 100 positive affirmations for self-love

Everyone has varying issues with self-love. Perhaps you suffer from imposter syndrome or are ashamed of your financial blunders in the past. Whatever it may be, these 100 self-worth affirmations will support you to get through it. All you have to do is go over the list and jot down any of the affirmations that stand out to you.

Affirmations for forgiveness

Suppose your past is holding you back like a cinderblock tied to your leg. In that case, these affirmations about accepting and embracing yourself will help you heal yourself. These mantras are all about self-healing and grace:
  1. I am allowed to feel my emotions and express myself whenever I need to.
  2. I forgive myself for the blunders I have made in the past.
  3. I am not my mistake.
  4. I am allowed to heal and I have space to grow.
  5. The things that are out of my control will not bother me.
  6. I give everything my best and my best is enough.
  7. I am not a victim of self-hate and criticism.
  8. I learn and grow from my past mistakes every day.
  9. I let go of the negative thoughts that serve me no purpose.
  10. I have come to terms with the fact that my past will not determine my future.

Affirmations of love to build confidence about your body

Society has conditioned us to believe that there is only one standard of beauty. But this is not the case at all. You are magnificent just the way you are, my dearest friend. Every stretch mark and imperfection you judge in the reflection is perfect in the most beautifully flawed way possible. And as soon as you begin to appreciate yourself, you will find true bliss. Do you want to give it a shot? Give these positive affirmations a shot and see how they affect your self-esteem. Compliment yourself with these regular affirmations for self-love.
  1. I am my own personal sanctuary.
  2. I have courage, I have strength, and I have beauty.
  3. I am beautiful, from within and from the outside.
  4. There is no need to fix me. I am beautiful in my own way.
  5. I am thankful to my body for all that it has endured for me.
  6. I am glad for my body, which I get to call home, and it is deserving of affection.
  7. I embrace every single part of me – flaws included.
  8. I take care of and nourish my body.
  9. I look after my health so that I may feel my best, not so that I can appear a specific way.
  10. My blemishes are not flaws at all. They make me feel lovely and unique.
  11. I pay attention to my intuition and take breaks when my body and mind tell me to.
  12. I love my ____ (stomach, legs, face, or any other part of you that you often pick at)

Self-love affirmations

In her song Love Myself, Hailee Steinfeld has a line that goes something like this: Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else (I love me). These lyrics are an example of a potent daily affirmation to love yourself. So, if you need some motivation, turn it up loud — and add these more love affirmations to the mix:
  1. I accept myself as I am.
  2. I am kind to myself.
  3. I am appreciative of the opportunity to live this life.
  4. Like electricity, love and abundance flow through me.
  5. I am incredible.
  6. My best friend is me.
  7. I freely love myself. I don't have to work for self-love.
  8. I am enough.
  9. I matter.
  10. To be wonderful, my life does not have to be perfect. I love my life the way it is.
  11. I admire my individuality and personality.
  12. My joy comes from within. I don't seek it out in others.
  13. I put myself and my needs first, before anything else.
  14. I am special and extraordinary.
  15. I have a strong love for myself and the people that surround me.
  16. I surround myself with happiness and affection.
  17. I am proud of the kind of person I have grown into.
  18. I am deserving of everything nice and good that comes my way.
  19. Each morning when I wake up, I am grateful and filled with love for myself.
  20. I have an endless amount of affection for myself.
  21. I am the most fantastic person I have ever met.
  22. I deserve to have friends and excellent relationships with those around me.
  23. I treat myself with the same compassion I'd extend to a friend.
  24. I have a lot of talent and the potential to contribute to the world. I am a blessing.

Affirmations for work and success

Negativity may creep in when striving for achievement in your profession, education, or life. Imposter syndrome is a menace on your mind since it manipulates your brain into believing you're a phony. It tricks you into thinking you are unworthy of recognition because everyone else is better than you. Let's clear something up right now. Imposter syndrome is nothing but a trickster and an evil liar. To silence it once and for all, remind yourself of your worth. These positive self-love affirmations can help you succeed at work and in life.
  1. I have the potential to attain my ambitions.
  2. My anxieties do not prevent me from pursuing the things I enjoy.
  3. My potential is infinite and boundless.
  4. I am secure in my capability to reach my aims and realize my aspirations.
  5. I am flooded with creativity and fantastic ideas regularly.
  6. I am deserving of ambitious aspirations and bold goals.
  7. I am confident in myself and have faith in my abilities.
  8. My choices are within my reach and under my control.
  9. My ability to create heals both myself and those around me.
  10. I was meant to achieve success and accomplish great things.
  11. I was created to succeed at whatever I set my mind to.
  12. I prepare myself to face any obstacle that may arise and block my way.
  13. I have the ability to alter my fate.
  14. I believe in my instincts and follow them.
  15. I have the ability to shape my own destiny with my own hands.
  16. When things get tough, I keep on going because I know I am capable of success and riches.
  17. I aim for growth rather than perfection.
  18. I appreciate my life and am constantly looking for ways to improve it.

Affirmations for loving and being yourself

Do you ever feel compelled to change yourself around particular people? Perhaps you need to behave one way in front of your family and then later, perhaps in another way in front of your coworkers? Anxiety and unhappiness may develop as a result of this. However, by adopting these affirmations to love yourself, you can feel at ease in your own body. Such affirmations for self-love stand in opposition to the notion that you should improve yourself for the sake of others. Try out these self-love affirmations to be your authentic self — the one who is attractive, outspoken, engaging, and strong.
  1. I live my life only for myself and not for anyone else.
  2. My own perspective is the only one I value. I am not bothered by what other people think of me.
  3. I am always wholly and authentically myself around others.
  4. I do not let anyone dim my glow. I let it shine for everyone to see.
  5. I do not shrink or alter myself for the sake of others in any way. I remain exactly as I am.
  6. I am the person I am. I will not apologize for it.
  7. With no hesitation, I exhibit my true self.
  8. I keep faithful to myself, and I am valuable in my own right.

Positive affirmations to help with self-esteem

Have you ever struggled with low self-esteem and needed a confidence boost? These self-esteem affirmations can help you remember that you are worthy and valuable the way you are. They remind you that you're learning, growing, adjusting, and making room for the image you've always desired.
  1. My ______ (weight, looks, bank account, job title) define neither me nor my self-worth.
  2. I am content with the person I am growing into.
  3. I am deserving and worthy of love.
  4. My life's story is still evolving. I am looking forward to what lies ahead for me.
  5. I am entitled to joy.
  6. Everywhere I go, I anticipate joy and happiness.
  7. My time and effort are both important to me. I am capable of setting limits and managing my time.
  8. I emanate self-assurance wherever I go.
  9. I ask for assistance when I need it.
  10. My life is bursting with joy and prosperity.
  11. Every day, I give myself freedom and opportunities to grow.
  12. Making space for the pursuits that I enjoy in life feeds my soul.
  13. My personal self-worth is determined by myself. Others do not define it for me.
  14. Every day, I show myself boundless compassion.
  15. I am grateful for my blessings.

Affirmations to Help With Anxiety

Many things can cause you to feel worried, tense, or afraid. Anxiety might exacerbate financial concerns or issues with self-esteem. Use these mantras to counter your stress and have a calm mind:
  1. I am perfectly capable of making wise choices.
  2. I have a positive attitude and think pleasant thoughts.
  3. I can manage my thoughts, which helps me manage my emotions.
  4. Not everything I do needs to be perfect or flawless. It is indeed more than enough for me to do my best.
  5. Every day, I gain information and insight that allows me to be my authentic self.
  6. I am fully aware that I have a bright future in store for me, and I make choices today that will benefit me in the future.
  7. My mind is powerful and confident.
  8. Even though this circumstance appears to be stressful, I am confident that I can handle it. I'm intelligent, kind, and thoughtful. Therefore I'm up for any challenge.
  9. I have a lot of resources to help me deal with anxiety.
  10. I am surrounded by optimistic individuals and am surrounded by positive vibes.
  11. I am tougher than my anxiety, and I prefer to concentrate on the positive outcomes.
  12. I'm good at conversing with others, dealing with new circumstances, and being ready.
  13. I can succeed no matter what.

Change your life with these self-love affirmations!

That concludes our list of 100 self-love affirmations. I hope you write down the affirmations that counteract your negative thinking and repeat them until you fully believe in them and adopt a positive mindset. Affirmations about loving oneself can genuinely transform your life. Your life is a dynamic process — a path to self-acceptance — and I'm excited to see where you go next!

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